【音源】Inner Child
BTSの最新アルバム「MAP OF THE SOUL:7」に収録されている V(キム・テヒョン)のソロ曲「Inner Child」は辛い過去を乗り越えた、若き自分を励ます楽曲だ。
ちなみにタイトルにあるInner Child(内なる子ども)とは、ネガティブな子供時代の経験によってダメージを受け、隠さなければならなかった真の自分の姿という意味。同曲でVは過去の辛さを乗り越え、自分自身を愛することを赤裸々に歌っている。そんな曲の歌詞に多くのファンが心を打たれているようだ。
To the little “girl” who hated and never understood why he was always being dressed up as such. It DID get better and you found that happiness you never thought you would. You were ALWAYS Emmett, it just took a while for you to get seen as him.#InnerChildChallenge #bts
— emmett⁷ | 7 IS HERE (@cerisechim) February 23, 2020
to my inner child: i know you’ve experienced many hardships and it was hard to find a path in life, but through all our hard work and with our passion for the science field and helping others, i can say we’ve finally made it #InnerChildChallenge
— sof⁷ (@sceneryth) February 23, 2020
To my Inner Child:
5 years of tearing your hair out, studying 24/7 in libraries, trains even planes, losing the will to live finally paid off didnt it?? Inner child i’m content with the choice we made 5 years ago.. because today.. today i’m a doctor #InnerChildChallenge— mani ⁷ (@95zhype) February 23, 2020